5 marketing tips for your business during the pandemic

Digital marketing: your ally in a time of crisis Since we are still immersed in an uncertain time and we cannot know when we’ll finally be able to return to normality, it can be useful to take advantage of this moment to observe the trends in digital marketing and adjust your strategic plan (do you…

Is the heading H1 useful for Google?

Take a look at what John Mueller says about it. Until a few days ago, our beliefs about heading writing were based on a strong assumption: a page must have a single H1, because Google and readers like it. Then John Mueller arrived to surprise us with a statement during a hangout: Google does not…

The 5 most important SEO trends

What will be the best SEO strategies for the next months? Well you’ve optimized your website and you think so you can sleep peacefully! Do you really believe this? I’m sorry I have to wake you up abruptly! SEO changes from year to year. New algorithms are released and others are updated to make Search Engines…

Digital marketing online training certification

An useful way to improve your knowledge! Do as I did. Discover Digital Garage from Google, a valuable online resurce to get the digital skills you need (SEO, SEM, SMM, Email Marketing and more).  Digital Garage offers free tutorials to help growing your business, your career or just your confidence.  You can learn from experts,…